This Is Me

This Is Me

This Is Me A little while ago I wrote a post that showed my vulnerability, spoke my truth, and told the story of my journey. It wasn’t received well by some, which to me was surprising. I let their opinions weigh me down for about a day. I processed that pain...
It Hurts Feeling Like a Failure

It Hurts Feeling Like a Failure

It Hurts Feeling Like a Failure   Recently it was pointed out that I had failed at something. The specifics of what I was accused of failing at isn’t important. What is important is why that one thing hurts so bad.   From the time I was little I was...
Intelligent Creator

Intelligent Creator

When I was little, my mother would try to help me study for my spelling tests every week. She would crack open a beer, light a cigarette, and start prompting me to spell the same 20 words over and over again. I would write the words on paper until my fingers became...
If you are weird, embrace it!

If you are weird, embrace it!

All my life I have been called shy. It’s a fair assessment. My shyness as a kid was so strong that when teachers complimented me at parent-teacher conferences, I would just cry. I’m not sure why. Maybe it was because I would try so hard at everything I did but I felt...
Arriving Queer to a Class Reunion

Arriving Queer to a Class Reunion

Recently, I was informed that my 20-year class reunion was coming up. I know, I know, how could I possibly be old enough to have a 20-year reunion already? Let’s say I graduated super early… Anyway, I wasn’t invited to the 10-year anniversary and was almost not aware...